Tater HMule App 7yr
Lot Number:24
Start Time:4/29/2023 3:00:00 PM
Bid Count:1
Winning Bidder:T****p
Starting Bid:$1.00
Bid Increment:$1.00
Current Bid:$4,400.00
Bidding complete
13.2 hand, horse mule,7yrs old
Tater is at cute as a bug and is super sweet!! He’s very broke and mature for only being 7yrs old. Check out that color and shape he has. Tater is the type of mule you will love the rest of your life he’s easy to catch he will actually catch you he loves people. We have rode him on the trails and he’s very experienced out there nothing bothers him. He will lope right off and is smooth and has a great stop. He aims to please. He is very willing with new things. Tater loads great in the trailer and is always ready to get brushed or go for a ride. He is super gentle and I think about any one can ride him. He crosses water and logs great. He’s a bet unique mule watch his video. https://youtu.be/ummJB0FUqLU
Sex HMule Color App Age 7yrNo donations for this lot
United States
United States