HMule Sorrel 2 YR

Lot Number:94-95 PAIR
Start Time:1/11/2025 4:00:00 PM
Bid Count:0
Current High Bidder:
Starting Bid:$1.00
Bid Increment:$1.00
Current Bid:$0.00
Bidding complete
Sex HMule, Color Sorrel, Age 2 YR
No donations for this lot

Information regarding the January 11th Mule Sale this Saturday.

The Sale Will Continue as planned rain, snow or shine.  The building will be enclosed and heaters will be running.  The curtain will be a great wind break and all spectators should enter the sale area through the door or through the stock area.  Please so not unhook a curtain panel to enter. 

It is hard to impossible to reschedule a mule sale at this time of year due to all of the management work together to make the sales work into as many schedules as possible.  No sale in PA, KY or TN can go forward or backward without affecting another sale. 

We look forward to working with everyone.  The stock at this sale is outstanding and Reese Mules is expecting a record sale.

945 E Baddour Pkwy
Lebanon, Tennessee 37087
United States